Canada has a very large population of Internationally Educated Professionals coming from over 100 countries. The entry of Health Care Professionals in the practice is very difficult. Less than 5 % of Doctors or Nurses can get into the profession of choice after struggling for several years.
Keeping in view this challenge, the Canadian Ultrasound Institute [CUI] has developed a FAST TRACK to SONOGRAPHY training comprising of Teaching theory, practicum, workshops, in-class and online and placements in real-life job situation (Job Shadowing). Health care graduates and specialists from various fields are provided in-depth career counseling and assisted in documentation and settlement. The CUI has helped over 400 professionals until now.
As these professionals have the background knowledge and understanding of human anatomy, physiology, pathology, obstetrics and gynecology a quick revision, practice on sonography equipment and examination techniques/preparation helps candidates to Pass American Registry for Diagnostic Medical Sonography (ARDMS) or Canadian Licensing exams in a shortest possible time to get practice license.
The CUI is offering comprehensive Canadian ultrasound protocols training for health and allied professionals. Training programs are specially designed for qualified professionals who are interested to learn these protocols on Fast Track. The Institute has developed training tools and designed comprehensive practical training which helps not only by improving subject knowledge but enhance scanning skills and facilitate interpretation. The CUI is offering following courses:
Sonography Physics and Instrumentation (SPI)
Small parts
Obstetrics / Gynecology

musculoskeletal (MSK)
Echocardiography Adults
The training programs meet the requirements of Canadian and American Practice. Bridging courses are available for eligible candidates who can learn and start earning in 1-2 months.
This program is available to candidates who already have a Canadian, American, Australian or European Qualification and wish to specialize in additional modules or learn Canadian Protocols or are interested in Research.
The Institute has a highly qualified, experienced faculty actively serving the Sonography Health Care industry of Canada. Our Protocols meet all the requirements of the diagnostic centers. The quality of training is continuously monitored and updated.
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